Cloud hosted server and desktop services

Cloud hosted desktops, NJ

What is Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)?

Infrastructure as a service (IaaS) is cloud-based service hosted by cloud service provider (CSP). The cloud service provider managed all underlying back-end, such as data storage, virtual servers, hosted desktops, compute resources, networking and virtual private networking back to corporate. With Infrastructure as service you can move your existing servers and services to cloud or have a hybrid environment where some services are on the cloud and some are on premises.

What is Desktop as a Service (DaaS)?       

The cloud service provider hosts the virtual desktops (Desktop-as-a-Service) on the cloud infrastructure and manages them by allowing anytime and anywhere access to desktops, applications and services. Your entire organization can have their desktops data stored on the cloud so in the event of traditional desktops and laptops hard disk failures it doesn’t affect their business data.

See the benefits of Cloud Infrastructure-as-a-Service

Server cost and comparison On-Prem vs Cloud Hosted

Server CostOn PremisesCloud Hosted
✔ Physical server hardware$,$$$ – $$,$$$Not Required
✔ Server License $$$Included
✔ Virtualized Host – VMWare, Hyper-V (Virtual Machines Hosting License)$,$$$Not Required
✔ VM – Virtual Server Licenses (Server 2019. Server 2016)$$$Included
✔ CAL Licenses – For client device access$$ – $$$Included
✔ Storage (NAS, SAN)$$$$ – $$,$$$Included
✔ UPS Battery Backup$$$Included
✔ Power Consumption (Monthly)$$-$$$Included
✔ Offsite Backup$$$Included
✔ High Availability$$$-$,$$$ Included
✔ Offsite datacenter$,$$$Not Required
✔ IT Cost and Management$,$$$ – $$,$$$$$$ – $,$$$

Desktop as a Service cost and comparison

Desktop – Standard User (Office Apps + Internet)On PremisesCloud Hosted
✔ PC Hardware (Desktop, Monitor)$,$$$$$$
✔ Full Windows 10 LicenseIncludedIncluded
✔ MS Office Applications (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook)$$$Included
✔ UPS Battery Backup$$$Included
✔ Access desktop remotely (Other locations, Home, Home Office, Hotels)NOYES
✔ Access server resources (Shared files and folders, Database applications, QuickBooks)NOYES
✔ IT Cost and Management$$$ – $,$$$$$$ – $,$$$

Ready to move to the cloud IaaS? Get a quote

Enter the number of employees needing access to cloud hosted desktop.
Select the number of servers you currently have. If possible include physical and any virtual servers.